Bud Selig announced that the MLB will be implementing instant replay for the 2014 season. This is great news, but it is long overdue. I was getting so tired and frustrated when the outcome of a game would be affected by an umpire. I'm glad they will finally use instant replay on all plays,except for balls and strikes, rather than just homers. The main argument against it is that it could slow down the game, but it actually might speed it up, and here's why. When an ump misses a call, managers come out and argue for more time than it would take to review it. Here's how it is supposedly going to work. Every manager has 1 challenge in the 1st 6 innings, and then 2 from the 7th inning on, and if they win a challenge, they get to keep it, but if a manager wins a challenge from the 1st 6 innings, it doesn't carry over past the 6th. Also, replays on homers are still up to the umpire and don't have to be challenged. However, this is not the best way to use instant replay. The way they should do it is the same as the NHL. Every game in the MLB should be monitored, and when there is a questionable call, the guys monitoring the game back in NY press a button to signals the umps that they are going to review the play. The umpires then wait until the people reviewing the call get back to them with the correct call, which would only take around 15 seconds. This is still only a proposal that needs to be voted on in the offseason.
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